Text Alternatives

The information for this write up was taken from Guideline 1.1.

Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.

This guideline makes sure that anyone that does not want or can not see the non-text items in a page can still get the needed information that the graphic conveys. This is very important to make sure that everyone that visits our site has the same experience.

  • Controls, Input: For all input sections or control sections, they should labeled according to what they do. This will make all sections accessible.
  • Sensory: If sight or sound adds to the whole experience of the website, there should be atleast a text equialent to the experience that helps the user get a general idea of what it is supposed to be like.
  • Decoration, Formatting, Invisible: If the non-text items in the page are just for decoration or invisible the it is not necessary to give them alternative text. It is probably more important to not put them to not have excess information.

My Site

In my site I plan to have all of the important non-text item have a very specific alternative tag. This will exclude the decorations and others that don't need to be read. This will be very important for places to put in information. This will ensure that everyone coming to my site gets the same experience.

Other Site

  I chose to focus on the website of Yahoo.com. I chose this site because I spend most of my free internet time there. At first glance, they seem to do a very good job making all the pictures have alt tags. This helps people coming to the site find information easily and helps people with disabilities to get all of the information that they need to have.