MySQL Commands

I got most of the information from the site MySQL Commands. I also found the information from the book on this general topic to be most insightful. Previous to doing this weeks assignment I knew what the basic commands for MySQL were from working with it before. This has helped me to broaden my understanding of this topic.


In working with MySQL it is very important to know the basic commands to interact with the database and understand exactly what they do. Most of the time the database and tables will be created using the GUI tools that are provided by the web host. There are many other commands that are important to interact with the database.

  • INSERT : Used to put data into the database.
  • SELECT : Used to view all or some of the data.
  • UPDATE : Used to alter data already in the database.
  • DELETE : Used to remove select data.

These four different commands will do most all of the basic work we will be. Basically with these you can put data in, look at it, change it, and remove it. Each command has its own implementation. Most of the time a table that will be affected and some qualifiers that change how the command will work.

Working Example / References

This is a hard one to show a working example of on the web. As far as references I did find that there are many out there. One really good one that goes really in depth is MYSQL Commands. This site it a great reference because it gives a long list of the commands and some of the different ways that they can be used. There are so many ways to use these commands that it is nice to have a reference that gives general ideas help point you in the right direction. I also found that the book way a good reference. It was not as good as the web but it does give some good general information about each of the commands.